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Respect women


Name. Of boy and girls

👇�👇�👇�👇👇�👇�👇�👇�👇�👇�� لڑکے اور لڑکیوں کے اچھے اچھے نام 1- بدری صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم : ارقم . ایاس . اسیر . تمیم . ثابت . جبیر . حاطب . حریث . خلاد . خنیس . ذکوان . رافع . زاہر . سائب . سماک . سفیان . سالم . سوید . صفوان . عباد . قیس . مالک . معاذ . نوفل . واقد . وهب . ہلال . 2- دیگر صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم : اخرم . ازہر . اصرم . اصیرم .اسید . اسعد . افلح . بدیل . بریدہ .ثوبان . جریر . حذافہ . حازم . حزام . حابس .حبان . حراش . حاجب . حریث . حریش . حنبل . خزیم . خزام . خریم . دارم . درید . دحیہ . رکانہ . رزین . رباح . رافع . رقیم . سلیک . سراقہ . سلام . ساریہ . سنان . شریح . شرحبيل . شبیب . صبیح . ضماد . ضمیر . عازب .عاقب . عروہ . طریف . ظہیر . عبیدہ . عمار . عرباض . عکرمہ . عکراش . علقمہ . عویمر . فراس . فیروز . قدامہ . لبید . مرثد . محصن . مازن . مہاجر . نافع . نوفل. نواس . واثلہ . وائل . ورقہ . ولید . هشام . ہیثم . یسار . یمان . 3- وہ صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم جنکے نام "أبو" کے ساتھ شروع

Parents story

अब्बु अब्बु मुझे चोट लग गई खून आ रहा है 5 साल के बच्चे के मुँह से सुनना था कि अब्बा जान सब कुछ छोड़ छाड़  कर गोदी में उठाकर एक किलो मीटर की दूरी पर क्लिनिक तक भाग भाग कर ही पहुँच गए दुकान कैश काउंटर सब नौकर के भरोसे छोड़ आये सीधा  डाक्टर के केबिन में दाखिल होते हुए  डॉक्टर को बोले देखिये देखिये डॉक्टर मेरे बेटे को क्या हो गया डॉक्टर साहब ने देखते हुए कहा अरे भाई साहब घबराने की कोई बात है मामूली चोट है.... ड्रेसिंग कर दी है ठीक हो जायेगी। डॉक्टर साहब कुछ पेन किलर लिख देते दर्द कम हो जाता ।  अच्छी से अच्छी दवाईया लिख देते ताकि जल्दी ठीक हो जाये घाव भर जाये *डाक्टर* अरे भाई साहब क्यों इतने परेशान हो रहे हो कुछ नहीं हुआ है 3-4दिन में ठीक हो जायेगा पर डॉक्टर साहब  इसको रात को नींद तो आजायेगी ना । *डॉक्टर* अरे हाँ भाई हाँ बेफिकर रहो ।  बच्चे को लेकर लौटे तो नौकर बोला सेठ जी  आपका ब्रांडेड  महंगा शर्ट खराब हो गया खून लग गया अब ये दाग नही निकलेंगे *भाई साहब* कोई नहीं ऐसे शर्ट बहुत आएंगे जायेंगे मेरे बेटे का खून बह गया वो चिंता खाये जा रही है कमजोर नहीं  हो जाये । तू जा एक काम 

Berozgar Naujawan bachcho k liye sunehra mauka. Learn A.C Fridge Repairing, Mobile Repairing, Learn Driving

*Berozgar Naujawan bachcho k liye sunehra mauka* A.C Fridge repairing, Mobile repairing, Driving free me sikhne ka mauka Aur iske sath milegi Government ki ek Certificate. Is certificate k base pr bacho ko milega khud ka buisness dalne k liye Loan. Certificate k sath sath bacho ko Stifund k taur pr Rs 800/- bhi milege. Agar aap logo k aas pas aise koi Muslim bache ho to un tak ye info zarur pahuchaye. Ye apki ek Kaumi zimmedar hai. Admission k liye cont kare. M.M Khatib (UMS) 7276564226 Aafaque Razvi (UMS) 7385812412 *Union of Muslim Students - UMS*

Masjid e haram beautiful adhan in mecca (Beautiful Azan made in Mecca)

Hadith Qudsi

✦ Hadith Qudsi : Abu Zar (Radi allahu anhu) se rivayat hai ki Rasool-Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) se suna ki *Allah Subhanahu ne farmaya* ✦ Eh Mere bando maine zulm ko apne upar haram kiya hai aur tum par bhi haram kiya to aapas mein ek dusrey par zulm mat karo, ✦ Eh mere bando tum sab gumraah ho magar jisko main hidayat ka raasta batlauu , to mujhse hidayat mango main tumko hidayat ka rasta batlaunga, ✦ Eh mere bando tum sab bhuke (hungry) ho magar jisko main khilauu to mujhse khana mango main tumko khilaunga, ✦ Eh mere bando tum sab nange ho magar jisko main pahnauu, to mujhse kapda mango main tumko pahnaunga, ✦ Eh Mere bando tum raat din gunaah karte ho aur main hi sab gunaahon ko bakhshta hun to mujhse bakhshish chaho main tumko bakhsh dunga, ✦ Eh mere bando agar tumhare agle aur pichle aur aadmee aur jinnat sab aisey ho jaaye jaisey tum mein ka bada parhezgar to meri saltanat mein kuch afzayeesh (Addition) na hogi aur tum mein agle aur peechle aur aadmee aur jinnat


👉 *Topic : ALLAH AUR USKE RASOOL SAW. KE MAMLE MAIN GULU NA KARO.* 🔸 *IRSHADE BAARI TA'ALA HAI.* يٰٓاَهْلَ الْكِتٰبِ لَا تَغْلُوْا فِيْ دِيْنِكُمْ وَلَا تَقُوْلُوْا عَلَي اللّٰهِ اِلَّا الْحَقَّ 🔸 Ai Ahle kitab apne din main gulu na karo aur ALLAH ke haq main haq ke siwa kuch na kaho. ✨ (Gulu yani had se aage bad jana Jiska jo makam hai use aage bada dena) 📖 *QURAN (Surah Nisaa 4/171)* 🔹 *HADEES E RASOOL SAW. HAI.* 🔹 Mujhe mere martabe se aage na badao jaise isaa ibne maryam Alaihay Salam ko nasara (Isaiyon) ne un ke martabe se jyada badha diya hai main to ALLAH ka banda hun' isliye yahi kaha karo ke Main ALLAH ka banda aur us ka RASOOL hun. 📚 *HADEES (Sahi'h Bukhari : 3445)* 👉 *मोज़ू : अल्लाह और उसके रसूल सल्ल. के मामले मैं गुलु ना करो.* 🔸 *इरशादे बारी त'आला है.* 🔸  ऐ अहले किताब अपने दिन मैं गुलु ना करो और अल्लाह के हक़ मैं हक़ के सिवा कुछ ना कहो.. ✨ (गुलु यानी हद से आगे बढ जाना जिसका जो मकाम है उसे आगे बड़ा देना.) 📖 *क़ुरान (सुराह निसा 4/171)*

Quran 35:1

﷽ In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful! الْحَمْدُ لِلَّـهِ فَاطِرِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ جَاعِلِ الْمَلَائِكَةِ رُسُلًا أُولِي أَجْنِحَةٍ مَّثْنَىٰ وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ ۚ يَزِيدُ فِي الْخَلْقِ مَا يَشَاءُ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ All praise is due to Allah, Originator of the heavens and the earth, Who appointed angels as His message bearers, flying on wings, two, three and four. He adds to His creation whatever He wills: for surely, Allah has power over everything! سب تعریف الله ہی کے لیے ہے جو آسمانوں اور زمین کا بنانے والا اور فرشتوں کو پیغام رساں مقرر کر نے والا ہے، ایسے فرشتے جن کے دو دو اور تین تین اور چار چار بازو ہیں. وہ اپنی مخلوق کی ساخت میں جیسا چاہتا ہے اضافہ کرتا ہے، یقیناً الله ہر چیز پر قادر ہے Quran 35:1 فاطر

कितनों ने ही खरीदा सोना. Shayri

कितनों ने ही खरीदा सोना मैने एक 'सुई' खरीद ली, सपनों को बुन सकूं जितनी उतनी 'डोरी' खरीद ली। सब ने जरूरतों से ज्यादा बदले नोट, मैंने तो बस अपनी ख्वाहिशे बदल ली' 'शौक- ए- जिन्दगी' कुछ कम कर लिए, फिर उतने पैसों  में ही 'सुकून-ए-जिन्दगी' खरीद ली...

مــــــــــنزل سے آگے بڑھ کر منزل تلاش کر Manzil se age barh kar manzil talash kar Urdu nazam

مــــــــــنزل سے آگے بڑھ کر منزل تلاش کر مــل جائے تجھکو دریا تو سمندر تلاش کر ہر شیشہ ٹوٹ جاتا ہے پتھر کی چوٹ سے پـــتھر ہی ٹوٹ جائے وہ شیشہ تلاش کر           سجدوں سے تیرے کیا ہوا صدیاں گزرگئیں           دنیا تیری بــدل دے وہ ســـــجدہ تلاش کر           ایـــــــمان تیرا لُٹ گیا رہزن کے ہاتھوں سے           ایـــــــماں تیرا بــــــــچالے وہ رہبر تلاش کر گھٹنے ٹکائے ســـر کو جھکایا ہوا ہے کیوں ظالــــــم کا سر اُڑا دے وہ جذبہ تلاش کر قـــــــــاتل ہی بن چُکا ہے منصف ہمارا اب قــاتل کو قــــتل کردے وہ قاتل تلاش کر           ہر شخص جل رہا ہے عداوت کی آگ میں           اس آگ کو بجھا دے وہ پانی تـــلاش کر           کـــــردے ســــــوار اونٹ پہ اپنے غلام کو           پـــیدل ہی خود چلے جو وہ آقا تلاش کر            *شیخ محمد اسماعیل الکرخی*

Billi (Cat) ko bhuka maar deney ki wajah se Dojakh mein chali gayee.

Billi (Cat) ko bhuka maar deney ki wajah se Dojakh mein chali gayee. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar Radiallahu anhu se rivayat hai ki Rasoollallah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ne farmaya Ek Aurat ko azab is wajah se hua kyunki usney ek billi ko itni der tak baandh kar rakha tha ki wo bhook se mar gayee aur wo Aurat isi wajah se Dozakh mein dakhil huyee. Rasoollallah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam ne faramaya  ki Allah taalane us sey kaha tha { Aur allah hi jiyada janta hai }  ki jab tuney us Billi ko baand kar rakha us waqt na tuney usey kuch khilaya aur na kuch pilaya aur na usey chod ki wo zameen ke keedey makodey hi kha kar apna pet bhar leti.. Reference: *Sahih al-Bukhari 2365In-book reference: Book 42, Hadith 13USC-MSA web )English( reference: Vol. 3, Book 40, Hadith 553* Jazaakumullahu khair'an Wa-Ahsanul Jazaa. Foundation for Islamic Dawah ®.  (+91) 9839035299.

Berozgar Naujawan bachcho k liye sunehra mauka. Learn A.C reapairing, Mobile Repairing , Learn Driving

*Berozgar Naujawan bachcho k liye sunehra mauka* A.C Fridge repairing, Mobile repairing, Driving free me sikhne ka mauka Aur iske sath milegi Government ki ek Certificate. Is certificate k base pr bacho ko milega khud ka buisness dalne k liye Loan. Certificate k sath sath bacho ko Stifund k taur pr Rs 800/- bhi milege. Agar aap logo k aas pas aise koi Muslim bache ho to un tak ye info zarur pahuchaye. Ye apki ek Kaumi zimmedar hai. Admission k liye cont kare. 👤M.M Khatib (UMS) 📞7276564226 👤Aafaque Razvi (UMS) 📞7385812412 *Union of Muslim Students - UMS*

Muslim girls safety contact Number

Good news आखिर किसी ने कुछ तो शुरू किया ... 'मुश्किल में फंसे' 👪मुसलमानो के लिए  📞हेल्पलाइन खोला हैं राष्ट्रवादी मुस्लिम मंच  ने... पहले ही दिन 742 📞कॉल्स आये हैं.... यदि किसी मुस्लिम लड़की को कोई 'लड़का' परेशान कर रहा है, तो उसे कैसे बचाएं... इसकी जानकारी भी दी जा रही है.. करीब 500 👬कार्यकर्ताओं की टीम किसी भी मुस्लिम की मदद के लिए चौबीसों घंटे तैयार रहते है आसिफ अहमद राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष राष्ट्रवादी मुस्लिम मंच का कहना है, "मुसलमानो के बीच 👬भाईचारा बढ़ाने के मकसद से इस हेल्पलाइन की शुरुआत की गई थी। परेशानी के बारे में जानकारी देना और साथ ही किसी अनजान शहर में मुश्किल में फंसे मुसलमानो को कानूनी और अन्य मदद देना इसका मकसद है। हम 📞कॉलर को तुरंत मदद पहुंचाने की कोशिश करते हैं।" आसिफ अहमद जी कम से कम अब आपने मुसलमानो के लिए जमीनी स्तर पर कुछ करने का साहस किया .. इसके लिए धन्यवाद दोस्तों नंबर नोट कीजिये और मुस्लमान भाई बहनों में बांटिये .. 7677437443 8229870024 9045966061 शेयर रूकना नहीं चाहिए [Bhai jitne bhi group   ho waha send karo ye msg   

عید میلاد النّبی. Eid miladunnabi

*★ عید میلاد النّبی ★* =========================== ```"خود بدلتے نہیں قرآن کو بدل دیتے ہیں، اپنے ہاتھوں ہی سے سنّت کو قتل کردیتے ہیں."``` ```میلاد کے معنی عربی میں پیدائش کے ہوتے ہیں، اردو میں پیدائش کی خوشی منانے کو سالگرہ کہتے ہیں، انگلش میں برتھ ڈے ہندی میں جنم استمی کہتے ھیں۔``` ```نبی (ﷺ) کی پیدائش کی تاریخ کیا تھی وہ اللہ ھی بہتر جانتا ھے۔ کیونکہ اس وقت کوئی بھی راوی (یعنی روایت لکھنے والا) موجود نہ تھا، اکثریت کافروں، مشرکوں اور فاسقوں کی تھی، جنکی بات قابل قبول نہیں کی جاسکتی۔``` ```خود نبی (ﷺ) کے خاندان والوں کو یہ معلوم نہ تھا کہ جس بچّہ کی انکے گھر میں میلاد (پیدائش) ہوئی ھے وہ بچّہ نبی ھے۔``` ```واضح ھوکہ میلاد (برتھ ڈے) انسان خود اپنی زندگی میں مناتا ھے لیکن پورے ذخیرہ حدیث میں کوئی ایک روایت بھی ایسی نھیں پائی جاتی کہ جس سے یہ ثابت ھوکہ نبی (ﷺ) نے اپنی سالگرہ منائی ھو۔``` ```اور نہ تو کبھی صحابہ رضی اللہ عنھم، تابعین، تبع تابعین نے نبی (ﷺ) کی میلاد (سالگرہ) منائی ھو یا کیک وغیرہ کاٹا ھو۔``` ```نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا فرمان ہےکہ:- مسلمانوں کی 2 عیدیں ہ

Supplication said to someone wearing a new garment

DUA [004.1] Supplication said to someone wearing a new garment تُبْـلي وَيُـخْلِفُ اللهُ تَعَالى Translation: May you wear it out and Allaah (Ta'aala) replace it [with another] Transliteration: Tublee wa yukhliful-laahu ta'aalaa. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Supplication said to someone wearing a new garment

DUA [004.2] Supplication said to someone wearing a new garment اِلبَـس جَديـداً وَعِـشْ حَمـيداً وَمُـتْ شهيداً Translation: Wear anew, live commendably and die a shaheed. Transliteration: Ilbas jadeedan, wa 'ish hameedan, wa mut shaheedan. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [122] What is said to a kaafir when he sneezes

DUA [122] What is said to a kaafir when he sneezes يَهْـديكُـمُ اللهُ وَيُصْـلِحُ بالَـكُم Translation: May Allah guide you and set your affairs in order. Transliteration: Yahdeekumullaahu wa yuslihu baalakum. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [123] Returning a greeting to a kaafir

DUA [123] Returning a greeting to a kaafir وَعَلَيْكُمْ ‘When the people of the Book greet you, reply by saying: Translation: And upon you. Transliteration: Wa 'alaykum Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [125] When slaughtering or offering a sacrifice

DUA [125] When slaughtering or offering a sacrifice بِسْمِ اللهِ واللهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُمَّ مِنْكَ ولَكَ اللَّهُمَّ تَقَبَّلْ مِنِّي Translation: With the Name of Allah, Allah is the Most Great! [O Allah, from You and to You.] O Allah, accept it from me. Transliteration: Bismillaahi wallaahu 'Akbar [Allaahumma minka wa laka] Allaahumma taqabbal minnee. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [124] When insulted while fasting

DUA [124] When insulted while fasting إنِّي صَائِمٌ , إنِّي صَائِمٌ Translation: I am fasting . I am fasting. Transliteration: 'Inneesaa'imun, 'innee saa'imun. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [121] What to say when startled

DUA [121] What to say when startled لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ Translation: There is none worthy of worship but Allah! Transliteration: Laa 'ilaaha 'illallaah! Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [075] Before sexual intercourse

DUA [075] Before sexual intercourse بِسْمِ الله اللّهُـمَّ جَنِّبْنا الشَّيْـطانَ، وَجَنِّبِ الشَّـيْطانَ ما رَزَقْـتَنا Translation: With the Name of Allah. O Allah, keep the I Devil away from us and keep the Devil away from that which You provide for us. Transliteration: Bismillaah. Allaahumma jannibnash-Shaytaana, wa jannibish-Shaytaana maa razaqtanaa. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [075] Before sexual intercourse

DUA [075] Before sexual intercourse بِسْمِ الله اللّهُـمَّ جَنِّبْنا الشَّيْـطانَ، وَجَنِّبِ الشَّـيْطانَ ما رَزَقْـتَنا Translation: With the Name of Allah. O Allah, keep the I Devil away from us and keep the Devil away from that which You provide for us. Transliteration: Bismillaah. Allaahumma jannibnash-Shaytaana, wa jannibish-Shaytaana maa razaqtanaa. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [060] When it rains

DUA [060] When it rains اللّهُمَّ صَيِّـباً نافِـعاً Translation: O Allah , (bring) beneficial rain clouds. Transliteration: Allaahumma sayyiban naafi'an Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [059] Supplication for rain

DUA [059] Supplication for rain اللّهُمَّ اسْقِـنا غَيْـثاً مُغيـثاً مَريئاً مُريـعاً، نافِعـاً غَيْـرَ ضار، عاجِـلاً غَـيْرَ آجِل Translation: O Allah, shower upon us abundant rain, beneficial not harmful, swiftly and not delayed.[1] Transliteration: Allaahumma 'asqinaa ghaythan mugheethan maree'an maree'an, naafi'an ghayradhaarrin, 'aajilan ghayra 'aajilin. اللّهُمَّ أغِثْنـا، اللّهُمَّ أغِثْنـا، اللّهُمَّ أغِثْنـا Translation: O Allaah, relieve us, O Allaah, relieve us, O Allaah, relieve us.[2] Transliteration: Allaahumma 'aghithnaa, Allaahumma 'aghithnaa, Allaahumma 'aghithnaa. اللّهُمَّ اسْقِ عِبادَكَ وَبَهـائِمَك، وَانْشُـرْ رَحْمَـتَكَ وَأَحْيِي بَلَـدَكَ المَيِّـت Translation: O Allah , give water to Your slaves , and Your livestock , and spread Your mercy , and revive Your dead land. [3] Transliteration: Allaahum-masqi 'ibaadaka, wa bahaa'imaka, wanshur rahmataka, wa 'ahyi baladakal-mayyita Get

DUA [058] Upon hearing thunder

DUA [058] Upon hearing thunder سُبْـحانَ الّذي يُسَبِّـحُ الـرَّعْدُ بِحَمْـدِهِ، وَالملائِكـةُ مِنْ خيـفَته Translation: Glory is to Him Whom thunder and angels glorify due to fear of Him. Transliteration: Subhaanal-la th ee yusabbihur-ra'du bihamdihi walmalaa'ikatu min kheefatihi. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [057] During a wind storm

DUA [057] During a wind storm اللّهُـمَّ إِنَّـي أَسْـأَلُـكَ خَيْـرَها، وَأَعـوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَـرِّها Translation: O Allah , I ask You for the good of it and seek refuge in You against its evil.[1] Transliteration: Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka khayrahaa, wa 'a'oo th u bika min sharrihaa. اللّهُـمَّ إِنَّـي أَسْـأَلُـكَ خَيْـرَها، وَخَيْـرَ ما فيهـا، وَخَيْـرَ ما اُرْسِلَـتْ بِه، وَأَعـوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَـرِّها، وَشَـرِّ ما فيهـا، وَشَـرِّ ما اُرْسِلَـتْ بِه Translation: O Allah, I ask You for the good of it, for the good of what it contains , and for the good of what is sent with it . I seek refuge in You from the evil of it , from the evil of what it contains, and from the evil that is sent with it.[2] Transliteration: Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka kthayrahaa, wa khayra maa feehaa, wa khayra maa 'ursilat bihi wa a'oo th u bika min sharrihaa, wa sharri maa feehaa, wa sharri maa 'ursilat bihi. Get the Andr

DUA [041] Upon committing a sin

DUA [041] Upon committing a sin Any servant who commits a sin and as a result, performs ablution, prays two units of prayer [i.e., two rak1ats] and then seeks Allaah's forgiveness, Allaah would forgive him.' Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [041] Upon committing a sin

DUA [041] Upon committing a sin Any servant who commits a sin and as a result, performs ablution, prays two units of prayer [i.e., two rak1ats] and then seeks Allaah's forgiveness, Allaah would forgive him.' Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [011] Upon entering the home

DUA [011] Upon entering the home بِسْـمِ اللهِ وَلَجْنـا، وَبِسْـمِ اللهِ خَـرَجْنـا، وَعَلـى رَبِّنـا تَوَكّلْـنا Translation: In the Name of Allah we enter , in the Name of Allah we leave , and upon our Lord we depend [then say As-Salaamu 'Alaykum to those present]. Transliteration: Bismillaahi walajnaa, wa bismillaahi kharajnaa, wa 'alaaRabblnaa tawakkalnaa Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [010.2] When leaving the home

DUA [010.2] When leaving the home اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَعـوذُ بِكَ أَنْ أَضِـلَّ أَوْ أُضَـل ، أَوْ أَزِلَّ أَوْ أُزَل ، أَوْ أَظْلِـمَ أَوْ أَُظْلَـم ، أَوْ أَجْهَلَ أَوْ يُـجْهَلَ عَلَـيّ Translation: O Allah, I seek refuge in You lest I misguide others , or I am misguided by others , lest I cause others to err or I am caused to err , lest I abuse others or be abused, and lest I behave foolishly or meet with the foolishness of others. Transliteration: Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oo th u bika 'an 'adhilla, 'aw 'udhalla, 'aw 'azilla, 'aw 'uzalla, 'aw 'a dh lima, 'aw 'u dh lama, 'aw 'ajhala 'aw yujhala 'alayya. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

DUA [010.1] When leaving the home

DUA [010.1] When leaving the home بِسْمِ اللهِ ، تَوَكَّلْـتُ عَلى اللهِ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلا قُـوَّةَ إِلاّ بِالله Translation: In the Name of Allah, I have placed my trust in Allah, there is no might and no power except by Allah. Transliteration: Bismillaahi, tawakkaltu 'alallaahi, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata ‘ illaa billaah. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Upon completing the ablution

DUA [009.3] Upon completing the ablution سُبْحـانَكَ اللّهُـمَّ وَبِحَمدِك أَشْهَـدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلاّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتوبُ إِلَـيْك Translation: Glory is to You, O Allah, and praise; I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance. Transliteration: Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, 'ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta, 'astaghfiruka wa 'atoobu 'ilayk Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Upon completing the ablution

DUA [009.2] Upon completing the ablution اللّهُـمَّ اجْعَلنـي مِنَ التَّـوّابينَ وَاجْعَـلْني مِنَ المتَطَهّـرين الله أكبر Translation: O Allah, make me among those who turn to You in repentance, and make me among those who are purified. Transliteration: A llaahummaj'alnee minat-tawwaabeena waj'alnee minal-mutatahhireen. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Upon completing the ablution

DUA [009.1] Upon completing the ablution أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلَـهَ إِلاّ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لا شَريـكَ لَـهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمّـداً عَبْـدُهُ وَرَسـولُـه Translation: I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger. Transliteration: 'Ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu wa 'ash-hadu 'anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa Rasooluhu. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

When starting the ablution

DUA [008] When starting the ablution بِسْمِ الله Translation: In the Name of Allah. Transliteration: Bismillaahi Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

After leaving the toilet

DUA [007] After leaving the toilet غُفْـرانَك Translation: I seek Your forgiveness. Transliteration: Ghufraanaka Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Before entering the toilet

DUA [006] Before entering the toilet بِسْمِ الله ) اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ) Translation: (Before entering) [In the Name of Allah] . (Then) O Allah , I seek protection in You from the male and female unclean spirits. Transliteration: [Bismillaahi] Allaahumma 'innee 'a'oo th u bika minal-khubthi walkhabaa'ith. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Before undressing

DUA [005] Before undressing بِسْمِ الله Translation: In the name of Allaah Transliteration: Bismillaahi Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

When wearing a new garment

DUA [003] When wearing a new garment اللّهُـمَّ لَـكَ الحَـمْـدُ أنْـتَ كَسَـوْتَنيهِ، أََسْأََلُـكَ مِـنْ خَـيرِهِ وَخَـيْرِ مَا صُنِعَ لَـه، وَأَعوذُ بِكَ مِـنْ شَـرِّهِ وَشَـرِّ مـا صُنِعَ لَـهُ Translation: O Allaah, for You is all praise, You have clothed me with it, I ask You for the good of it and the good for which it was made, and I seek refuge with You from the evil of it and the evil for which it was made Transliteration: Allaahumma 'lakal-hamdu 'Anta kasawtaneehi, 'as'aluka min khayrihi wa khayri maa suni'a lahu, wa 'a'oo th u bika min sharrihi wa sharri ma suni'a lahu. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

When wearing a garment

DUA [002] When wearing a garment الحمدُ للهِ الّذي كَساني هذا (الثّوب) وَرَزَقَنيه مِنْ غَـيـْرِ حَولٍ مِنّي وَلا قـوّة Translation: All Praise is for Allaah who has clothed me with this [garment] and provided it for me, with no power nor might from myself. Transliteration: Alhamdu lillaahil-la th ee kasaanee haa th aa (aththawba) wa razaqaneehi min ghayri hawlim-minnee wa laa quwwatin Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

What to say and do when feeling some pain in the body

DUA [117] What to say and do when feeling some pain in the body بِسْمِ اللهِ 'Place your hand at the site of the pain and say: Translation: In the Name of Allah (three times). Transliteration: Bismillaah. أَعُوذُ باللهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مَنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدُ وَأُحَاذِرُ Then say: Translation: I seek refuge in Allah and in His Power from the evil of what I find and of what I guard against. Transliteration: 'A'oo th u billaahi wa qudratihi min sharri maa 'ajidu wa 'uhaa th iru. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Visiting the graves

DUA [056] Visiting the graves السَّلامُ عَلَـيْكُمْ أَهْلَ الدِّيارِ مِنَ المؤْمِنيـنَ وَالْمُسْلِمين، وَإِنّا إِنْ شاءَ اللهُ بِكُـمْ لاحِقـون، نَسْـاَلُ اللهَ لنـا وَلَكُـمْ العـافِيَة Translation: Peace be upon you, people of this abode, from among the believers and those who are Muslims , and we , by the Will of Allah , shall be joining you . [May Allah have mercy on the first of us and the last of us] I ask Allah to grant us and you strength. Transliteration: Assalaamu 'alaykum 'ahlad-diyaari, minal-mu'mineena walmuslimeena, wa 'innaa 'in shaa' Allaahu bikum laahiqoona [wa yarhamullaahul-mustaqdimeena minnaa walmusta'khireena] 'as'alullaaha lanaa wa lakumul- 'aafiyata. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

After burying the deceased

DUA [055] After burying the deceased Translation: O Allah, forgive him. O Allah, strengthen him. Transliteration: Allaahum-maghfir lahu Allaahumma thabbithu. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Placing the deceased in the grave

DUA [054] Placing the deceased in the grave بِسْـمِ اللهِ وَعَلـى سُـنَّةِ رَسـولِ الله Translation: With the Name of Allah and according to the Sunnahof the Messenger of Allah. Transliteration: Bismillaahi wa 'alaa sunnati Rasoolillaahi. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:


DUA [053] Condolence إِنَّ للهِ ما أَخَذ، وَلَهُ ما أَعْـطـى، وَكُـلُّ شَيءٍ عِنْـدَهُ بِأَجَلٍ مُسَـمَّى.فَلْتَصْـبِر وَلْتَحْـتَسِب Translation: Surely , Allah takes what is His , and what He gives is His , and to all things He has appointed a time ... so have patience and be rewarded.[1] Transliteration: 'Inna lillaahi maa 'akha th a, wa lahu maa 'a'taa, wa kullu shay'in 'indahu bi'ajalin musamman . . . أَعْظَـمَ اللهُ أَجْـرَكَ، وَأَحْسَـنَ عَـزاءَ كَ، وَغَفَـرَ لِمَـيِّتِكَ ...and one can also say: Translation: May Allah magnify your reward, and make perfect your bereavement, and forgive your departed[2] Transliteration: 'A' dh amallaahu 'ajraka, wa 'ahsana 'azaa'aka wa ghafara limayyitika. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Supplication for a child in the funeral prayer

DUA [052] Supplication for a child in the funeral prayer أللَّهُمَّ أَعِذْهُ مِنْ عَذابِ الْقَبْرِ Translation: O Allah, protect him from the torment of the grave. Transliteration: Allaahumma 'a'ith-hu min 'athaabil-qabri اللهُـمِّ اجْعَلْـهُ فَرَطـاً وَذُخْـراً لِوالِـدَيهِ، وَشَفـيعاً مُجَـاباً، اللهُـمِّ ثَـقِّلْ بِهِ مَوازيـنَهُما، وَأَعْـظِمْ بِهِ أُجُـورَهُـما، وَأَلْـحِقْـهُ بِِصَالِـحِ الـمؤْمِنـين، وَاجْعَلْـهُ في كَِفـَالَةِ إِبْـراهـيم، وَقِهِ بِرَحْمَـتِكَ عَذابَ الْجَـحِيمِ , وَأَبْـدِلْهُ داراً خَـيْراً مِنْ دارِه ، وَأَهْلاً خَـيْراً مِنْ أَهْلِـه, اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لإِسْلافِنَا , وَأَفْراطِنَا , وَمَنْ سَبَقَنَاَ بِالإِيمَان One can also say: Translation: O Allah, make him a precursor, a forerunner and a treasure for his parents and an answered intercessor. O Allah, make him weigh heavily in their scales (of good) and magnify their reward. Make him join the righteous of the believers. Place him in the care of Ibrahim. Save him

Supplication for the deceased at the funeral prayer

DUA [051] Supplication for the deceased at the funeral prayer اللهُـمِّ اغْفِـرْ لَهُ وَارْحَمْـه ، وَعافِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنْـه ، وَأَكْـرِمْ نُزُلَـه ، وَوَسِّـعْ مُدْخَـلَه ، وَاغْسِلْـهُ بِالْمـاءِ وَالثَّـلْجِ وَالْبَـرَدْ ، وَنَقِّـهِ مِنَ الْخطـايا كَما نَـقّيْتَ الـثَّوْبُ الأَبْيَـضُ مِنَ الدَّنَـسْ ، وَأَبْـدِلْهُ داراً خَـيْراً مِنْ دارِه ، وَأَهْلاً خَـيْراً مِنْ أَهْلِـه ، وَزَوْجَـاً خَـيْراً مِنْ زَوْجِه ، وَأَدْخِـلْهُ الْجَـنَّة ، وَأَعِـذْهُ مِنْ عَذابِ القَـبْر وَعَذابِ النّـار Translation: O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him and give him strength and pardon him. Be generous to him and cause his entrance to be wide and wash him with water and snow and hail. Cleanse him of his transgressions as white cloth is cleansed of stains. Give him an abode better than his home, and a family better than his family and a wife better than his wife. Take him into Paradise and protect him from the punishment of the grave [and from the punishment of He

When closing the eyes of the deceased

DUA [050] When closing the eyes of the deceased اللهُـمِّ اغْفِـرْ لِـ-فلان باسـمه- وَارْفَعْ دَرَجَتَـهُ في المَهْـدِييـن ، وَاخْـلُفْـهُ في عَقِـبِهِ في الغابِـرين، وَاغْفِـرْ لَنـا وَلَـهُ يا رَبَّ العـالَمـين، وَافْسَـحْ لَهُ في قَبْـرِهِ وَنَـوِّرْ لَهُ فيه Translation: O Allah, forgive [name of the person] and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it. Transliteration: Allaahummaghfir li (name of the person) warfa' darajatahu fil-mahdiyyeena, wakhlufhu fee 'aqibihi fil-ghaabireena , waghfir-lanaa wa lahu yaa Rabbal-'aalameena, wafsah lahu fee qabrihi wa nawwir lahu feehi Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Supplication for one afflicted by a calamity

DUA [049] Supplication for one afflicted by a calamity إِنّا للهِ وَإِنَا إِلَـيْهِ راجِعـون ، اللهُـمِّ اْجُـرْني في مُصـيبَتي، وَاخْلُـفْ لي خَيْـراً مِنْـها Translation: We are from Allah and unto Him we return . O Allah take me out of my plight and bring to me after it something better. Transliteration: 'Innaa lillaahi wa 'innaa 'ilayhi raaji'oon, Allaahumma'-jurni fee museebatee wa 'akhliflee khayran minhaa. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim:

Instruction for the one nearing death

DUA [048] Instruction for the one nearing death لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّه He whose last words are: Translation: There is none worthy of worship but Allah. Transliteration: Laa 'ilaaha 'illallaahu. ...will enter Paradise. Get the Android App HisnulMuslim: